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Today's Menu
fra Colin Makes Software
Gratisabonnement tilgjengelig

Today's Menu

fra Colin Makes Software
Create and host restaurant menus
5.0 (1)
Gratisabonnement tilgjengelig

Today's Menu-oversikt

    Add menus to your website: happy hour, desserts, or just one menu to rule them all
    Simple menu designer to style and reorder sections, optimize photos, and swap layouts
    Annotate menu items with "favorite" or "spicy" and optionally add a legend to the footer
    Support as many languages as you like
Today's Menu is delightful software for creating menus that load blazingly fast and look beautiful on all devices. Each menu comes with a public hosted link you can add to your navigation, or you can embed them directly on your site with our widget. Perfect for restaurants, cafes, bars, or any business with a price list. Every menu you create comes with a QR code you can use for in-store scanning. And every part of your menu can be translated into multiple languages. The customer's language is automatically displayed, but they can also instantly flip between languages. Customize section styles, layouts, and a basic color scheme to match your branding. Photos of menu items are automatically optimized for quick display to your customers. Use drafts to queue up menu changes and then publish them when you're ready. Your success is critical to us. If you have any questions, just use the one-click button in our widget settings to reach out. We promise rapid response times.
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* Prisen er i USD.

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