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fra Threed Software
Fra $5.00/måned


fra Threed Software
Easy to add Augmented Reality Model Viewer
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Fra $5.00/måned


    Add Augmented Reality Models to Enhance Your Classic/EditorX/Studio Site
    Use hosted .glb files, or upload your own. Compatible with models from Blender, Sketchfab, Turbosquid and Windows Paint 3D and others
    Show products or concepts within your customer's space
    Support for Animated Models on Mac, PC, Android, iOS & Meta Quest Devices
Enter the world of AR & MR, directly on your website through the Lix AR Component. Lix AR allows you to add custom 3D GLB Models to your site to enhance their experience. You can add models of the products being sold on your eCom store, the food from your restaurants menu, the venue in events and much more. Enthrall your visitors with more than the design of a webpage, allow them to experience something they've never seen before. You can also provide live demos of real estate plans, educational content to medical & engineering students, design customized greetings for visitors and much more. With 1000s of available Creative Commons Licensed 3D GLB models across the internet, you have a plethora of options to begin with, without needing to start from scratch. This library is compatible with models from Sketchfab, TurboSquid, The Smithsonian Institute and more. Also compatible with Blender .glbs. Not using any of these? Lix AR is a standalone component, so it can be used on any page of your site. Take your website into the era of Spatial Computing, with Lix AR. Lix AR is a part of the Lix Components library from Threed Software. Learn more at https://www.threedsoftware.com
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Lix Starter-pakke


Upload GLB files to site storage
Unlimited Elements per website
Interactive Content
Full Screen Augmented Reality Player
* Prisen er i USD.

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