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Del favorittmusikken din fra SoundCloud på nettsiden din. Denne flotte spilleren gjør det enkelt å legge til låter eller spillelister. Kopier inn en URL eller embed-kode fra SoundCloud og tilknytt umiddelbart.
no auto playI'm looking for auto-play, and unable to find anything to help with that. Besides that, it works well. I just wish you can make the player smaller / thinner to fit on the...
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Pyxisbr/ Mar 26, 2024
Áudio privado não aparece.I can use the link and connection to my SoundCloud profile. However, when my audio is private on SoundCloud, the connection from WIX indicates that there is no audio. How can I make...
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Alexandrkornev2008/ Apr 14, 2022
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Hustlecreative/ Oct 16, 2021
Does not workThis app does not work. All URLs come back as invalid
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Reidshea3/ Oct 14, 2021
BadInvalid URL - doesnt work
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