Få en ny Google Merchant Center-konto eller opprett kobling til den du allerede har på under ti minutter. Vi hjelper deg trinn for trinn.
Tilgang til gratis oppføringer gjennom overflater over hele Google for å potensielt drive gratis trafikk til produktsidene dine.
Synkroniser og optimaliser butikkstrømmen din med Google Shopping slik at lagerbeholdningen alltid er oppdatert og strømmen følger beste praksis.
Øk salget med Google Smart Shopping-kampanjer uten ekstra administrasjonsgebyrer. Det er valgfritt å kjøre kampanjer og du kan starte og stoppe når som helst.
Automatiser både Google Shopping med gratisoppføringer inkludert og Google Ads slik at du kan maksimere salget på Google. Det finnes ikke et bedre tidspunkt for å få butikken din på Google Shopping og komme i gang med å øke salget.
Vi veileder deg trinn for trinn for å få butikken din på Google Shopping og holde produktstrømmene optimaliserte og synkroniserte med Google.
Det tar bare noen få minutter og vi veileder deg trinn for trinn.
Save your time and money!!It's not a simple app. Been on the phone with support twice today and numerous times in the past. Problem not solved. Can't delete the app from Wix and there was no way...
team Kliken
Hi there - I'm really sorry to hear about the troubles it seems you've been facing. Without specific details about your account, it's challenging for us to provide direct assistance here. Could you...
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Kontonzen/ Apr 4, 2023
AvoidThey took $600 from me then cancelled my campaign. Told me to just reinstate it but it's asking me to pay another $600. Support seems non-existant, 2 weeks now with no campaign and...
team Kliken
Hi there,
Thank you for your comments. We are aware of the issue and apologize for the frustration that was caused when you attempted to reinstate the campaign. Unfortunately, there was a system error...
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Customerservice2433/ Mar 21, 2023
Slow, but goodIt was slow start for our website to pick up, but slowly but surely. I love how it manages everything for me, but I can still log into google listings for the little...
team Kliken
Hi there,
We are delighted to hear you've had a great experience on this. We absolutely appreciate your comment relating to the 'slow start'. This is normally due to a learning phase campaigns go...
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Info2506722/ Jan 13, 2023
Unfähig!!!Der Support ist ein graus. Standard Antworten und keinerlei Hilfe was die Einrichtung im Merchant Center von Google angeht. Der Account wird dann einfach von Kliken Seite gekündigt und dann sind diese fein...
team Kliken
Unfortunately, we're unable to locate your account to review further. Could you please provide any ticket number received so that we can research further?
Thank you,
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Eatpoundtown/ Nov 27, 2022
OverchargeDo not start the trial. Even if you cancel they will charge you for the service each month, I have to dispute 2 charges of $315 each month! Absolutely absurd.
team Kliken
We do not offer a trial service. When purchasing our services, there is clear wording and notation that the campaigns will continue to run until you cancel them. You also would have received...
Takk for tilbakemeldingen din
Priser og pakker
Denne appen tilbyr en 30-dagers gratis prøveperiode
Google Merchant Center-konto
Gratisoppføringer gjennom Google
Synkroniser og optimaliser feeden din
Run up to $500 mo in ads with no fees
Google Merchant Center-konto
Gratisoppføringer gjennom Google
Synkroniser og optimaliser feeden din
Run up to $2,000 mo in ads with no fee
Google Merchant Center-konto
Gratisoppføringer gjennom Google
Synkroniser og optimaliser feeden din
Run > $2,000 mo in ads with no fees
* Prisen er i USD.
Bygg og lanser din neste app for mer enn 230 mill. Wix-brukere