Show your events on a calendar or on a list and allow online booking.
Set participation limits.
Set registration overdue.
Allow online payments directly to your PayPal account.
Create a timetable and a scheduler and let your clients register to your events online.
Set one-time or recurrent events. For recurrent events, choose whether registration is lesson-based or to the whole series at once.
Get a notification email for each booking and track registration after submission.
Allow clients to pay for events directly to your PayPal account.
Your clients will get a confirmation email, optionally with iCal attachment to automatically add the event to their personal calendar.
I'm sorry that you feel disappointed. We are a commercial company and we earn solely from the small fee users pay us for using the app. We have a free version which is...
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Maiaclaire/ Aug 10, 2024
Not liking itI sent two emails asking for support and got no response. Now I have to figure out how to cancel my subscription.
team ShareiiiT
We answer each and every email. Please check your spam folder.
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Crnphp/ Dec 17, 2023
Need more options for paymentsCan you add more payment options
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Beachhavenbowlsclub/ Sep 24, 2023
Simple but surprisingly powerfulI really like the simplicity, whilst still being able to delve deeper if needed. It sends emails automatically to your customers to confirm their registration and within that email is a cancel button...
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Suestelzmann3/ Sep 17, 2023
Just the right fit I have been using this ap for years for my pottery studio. Yes, it takes a little time to figure out how to make it work, but for the price -...
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