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Delivery Date

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Delivery Date oversikt

Delivery Date and Time Widget
Checkout page plugin
Customize available dates and times
The Delivery Date app streamlines the collection of delivery date and time information for e-commerce orders. With user-friendly widgets for date and time selection, it integrates seamlessly into the checkout process to enhance the shopping experience. You can customize delivery settings by setting minimum and maximum delivery days, specifying available days of the week, and blocking certain date ranges. Flexible time settings allow you to configure delivery windows that align with your schedule and customize time formats for branding. Built-in validation options alert customers or prevent checkout without a selected delivery date/time. Easily install widgets on any page of your site, while plugins integrate directly into the checkout page via the app dashboard. An order management dashboard helps track and manage delivery activities efficiently. Robust APIs are available for frontend widgets and backend operations, providing flexibility and control. A Service Plugin Interface (SPI) setup is required for accurate checkout validations. Transform your e-commerce site with the Delivery Date app, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience for your customers.
Denne appen er tilgjengelig over hele verden.

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Delivery Date and Time Widget
Checkout page plugin
Customize available dates and times


Delivery date and time plugin
Manage orders by delivery date
No watermark
* Prisen er i USD.

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