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WeChat Button: Ichonic logo

WeChat Button: Ichonic

Boost engagement with WeChat app
Ingen anmeldelser enda
Fra $ 1,00 / måned

WeChat Button: Ichonic oversikt

Unlimited visitors / month
Customizable appearance: Offer options to change widget size, padding and position through no-code configuration. This allows merchant to place the widget according to website aesthetic
On-Site Chat Box: Seamless Deployment of WeChat Widget to your Site
Pre-filled Messages: Set up default messages that shows within the Chat Window as soon as it opens, saving Users time and effort
Our WeChat Button app connects your website visitors directly to your WeChat profile with a single click. By adding this button to your site, users can instantly open WeChat and start a conversation. Please note: You’ll need to enter your WeChat profile link in the app dashboard to enable this feature.
Denne appen er tilgjengelig over hele verden.

Rangering og anmeldelser

Denne appen har ikke fått noen anmeldelser ennå, vær den første til å rangere den.

Priser og pakker

Basic Plan-pakke


Increased Customer Engagement
Customizable Experience
Seamless Integration
24/7 support
* Prisen er i USD.

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